Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands

DOT Region 02 is Convergence Partner in Northwestern Coastal Cagayan

DOT Region 02 is Convergence Partner in Northwestern Coastal Cagayan


The Regional Convergence Initiative for Sustainable Rural Development 02 (RCI-SRD 02) has launched and inked the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for Agro-Forestry Abundance and Productivity using Integrated Technologies through Barangay-based Agricultural Ventures and Advancement (AgAPIT-BAVA) on March 9, 2018 at Organic Training Hall, DA-RFO 02, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.



The convergence initiative will focus the strengths of the national government agencies in Sta. Praxedes, Claveria, Pamplona, Sanchez Mira and  Abulug.



The AgApit-BAVA is an exceptional initiative of Congresswoman Baby Aline Vargas – Alfonso of the Second District of Cagayan and led the MOA signing with the collaborating partner agencies from the Cagayan Valley Region: Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Tourism (DOT), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and National Irrigation Administration (NIA).



Also, with the Local Government Units (LGUs) as the composition of the AgAPIT-BAVA Convergence Area are towns of Abulug, Pamplona,Calveria and Sta. Praxedes, and with the partner academe, the Cagayan State University (CSU) of Sanchez Mira. Most partners were well represented by the Regional Directors, town mayors, NCI officials and other stakeholders. The program will address the issues in agriculture and fisheries, sustainability of natural resources, biodiversity conservation, and community development.


The DOT-Region 02 as one of the partners will be the agency to assist in the establishment of Agriculture Eco-Tourism Hub; pursue the product development under the law RA No. 10816 also known as the “Farm Tourism Development Act of 2016”; endorse/propose projects to Tourism Infrastructure Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA); and suggest proposals for Tourism Road Infrastructure Program (TRIP) DOT-DPWH Convergence Program.



Cong. Alfonso thanked all the participants and counterparts of the AgAPIT-BAVA convergence and discussed a unifying framework, “that will provide us, our families and our communities a better tomorrow for our future generation”.


She said with AgAPIT-BAVA is an answered dream, as farmers will be able to elevate their economic life. Great productivity will be attainable through technology development and strengthen agricultural potentials. Poverty reduction is not only just a dream but is now doable. She wants to achieve her dream to her constituents and strive to improve the quality of life within her district by equipping with a potent tool to become self-reliant and globally competitive.


She added that she initiated it “bilangkababayan at Kristiyano.  She committed that she will support actively especially in the budget hearing in the Congress.

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