Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands


Tourist arrivals as of December 31, 2018 registered an increase of 9.57% over last year – 2017.  Tourist arrival totaling to 1,174,721 is composed of 904,198 domestic and 270,523 foreign. Data source for tourist arrivals are the accommodation establishments within the region.


Same Day Visitor arrivals likewise registered an increase of 10.18% over 2017. Same Day Visitor Arrival totaling to 1,618,339 is composed of 1,603,334 domestic and 15,005 foreign.  Data source for same day visitors are tourism sites/attractions.


Gross receipts from visitor spending reached P8.412 billion, an increase of 10.3% fromPhp7.622 billion.


The region’s top ten foreign markets are China, USA, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Canada, Korea, Myanmar, Hongkong, Australia, Japan as follows:


1. China 252,400           6. Korea 709
2 .USA 2,374           7. Myanmar 585
3. Indonesia 1,558           8. Hongkong 567
4. Bangladesh 1,449           9. Australia 457
5. Canada 811           10.Japan 355


The increased in visitor arrivals is attributed to the improved access and connectivity to tourism attractions and destinations funded under the DOT-DPWH convergence.  Renewed promotions efforts using the new brand Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands, Your Islands and Valley of FUN also contribute to higher market visibility.


The continuous involvement of tourism stakeholders and local government units in the development, enhancement and marketing of wide range of diversified tourism products allowed visitor to stay longer in the region.  Most of these tourism products developed and enhanced are Eco-tourism, Agri-Farm Tourism, Sports and Adventure Tourism, Cultural Tourism. The DOT initiated new tourism circuits such as Calayan Island, Northeast Coast Cagayan, Northwest Coast Cagayan and Divilacan-Maconacon Isabela of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park.   We also participated in different marketing and promotional programs which includes sales mission, production and distribution of IEC materials, PR works, linkages with media and participation to travel fairs and exhibits.


Tourism stakeholders and local government units were capacitated in tourism development planning activities.  Tourism Industry Skills Program (TISP) is a well- funded program to provide trainings and workshops to tourism industry providers.  Most of the trainings conducted are Eco-tour guides/Community guides training and Homestay Training.


DOT is mandated to accredit tourism enterprises wherein 525 tourism enterprises applications for new and renewal were acted upon for Accreditation of which 350 tourism enterprises were accredited.


This year, four tourism organizations in the region received four(4) ASEAN tourism awards as follows, recently awarded in Ha Long Vietnam:


  • Homestay

                    – Basco Homestay Association (BAHOMAS) – Basco, Batanes

                    – Cabarroguis Homestay Association (CBA) -Cabarroguis, Quirino

  • Community- Based Tourism

            – Palaui Environmental Protector’s Association (PEPA) – Palaui Island, Sta. Ana, Cagayan

  • Awardee for Public Toilet Award

                         – G & B Restaurant – Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya


There will be   more inclusive and stricter implementation of accreditation this 2019 as business permit renewals and new business applications will require prior DOT accreditation under the Progressive Accreditation System.



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