Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands

DOT Region 2 Kicks-off Harp Making Workshop

The Department of Tourism, Region 2 in partnership with the Local Government Unit of Ballesteros kicks-off the harp making workshop today, May 18, 2022 in Ballesteros, Cagayan.
The program aims to conduct knowledge transfers on how to make harp as a livelihood and train locals to play the instrument for guests in the tourism circuits and in various tourism destinations and occasions as a form of entertainment.
It also aims to align with one of the DOT’s function to support, advance and promote the protection, maintenance and preservation of historical, cultural and natural endowments, in cooperation with appropriate government agencies and the private sector.
The Harp Making industry is a dying industry in the Municipality of Ballesteros, Province of Cagayan. It will be a challenging endeavor for the local community to be able to re-claim its glory which forms part the culture and history of the people in the Cagayan Valley Region.
A Harp playing workshop will follow after the harp making and assembly process. The Office of the Department of Tourism, Region 2 has lined up a series of online training seminars to capacitate the participants in sustaining the business of Harp Making, playing for tourists and selling harps for souvenirs.

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